Welcome to the leading edge of coach training.
Leadership Coaching Academy will instruct you in the art and science of coaching.
This five-month, experiential-learning process is filled with individual and team exercises, projects, fieldwork, out-of-the-ordinary activities, and tons of real-time coaching practice. This academy will be a great fit if you desire to launch your own coaching business, excel in executive leadership of others, integrate coaching skills into any job or community, or simply grow as a leader and a person.
Practice your craft with courage, skill, and agility—ask powerful questions to provoke learning and create new results.
Honor each human with dignity and reverence, and champion them towards both self-awareness and other-focused living.
Understand the neurobiology of trauma, and leverage science to calibrate the pace and tone of your conversations.
Integrated coaching teaches you to consider your client as a whole person.
We believe that as a coach you are in a unique position to have all the conversations a client believes are important—values, experience, history, family of origin, strengths, talents, spirituality, and desires—and that it is possible to create an experience of fullness and alignment. Our purpose is to cultivate leaders who coach with confidence, embody a mindset of wholeness, and create an experience of integration for their clients.
International Coach Federation
The International Coach Federation (ICF) is widely regarded as the industry gold standard for coaching accreditation. All coaches, regardless of training, are welcome to become “members” of the ICF, attend conferences, and access valuable resources. Additionally, the ICF has three levels of accreditation: Associate Certified Coach (ACC), Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and Master Certified Coach (MCC). These levels are achieved based on number of hours of ICF-approved training, number of coaching hours logged, and successful completion of the ethics and competencies test.
Leadership Coaching Academy meets or exceeds the requirements in every category for its graduates to apply for ACC accreditation via the portfolio pathway. We provide the information and paperwork necessary for you to submit to the ICF once you have completed 100 hours of coaching.